Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lidojums/ Flight (2012)

Lidmašīnas pilots Vips (Denzel Washington) veiksmīgi nosēdina avarējušu lidmašinu. Analīzes uzrāda Vipa asinīs augstu alkohola saturu. Filmas gaitā atklājas, ka Vips ir alkoholiķis, kas nevēlas to atzīt.
Filma koncentrējas uz alkoholismu. Doma, ka lidmašīnu var vadīt pilots alkohola reibumā, ir šausminoša. Paralēli ir neliels stāsts par sievieti, kas arī ir narkomāne, bet saprot, ka viņai ir vajadzīga palīdzība.
Vērtējums 6 no 10

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mammu, es Tevi mīlu (2013)

Labākā pēdējā laika latviešu filma, kas aizskar nevis tikai latviešus interesējošas tēmas, bet kaut ko kas ir svarīgs visiem. Daudzās situācijas atpazinu sevi, kas padarīja šo filmu personīgu.
Mammai un dēlam katram ir savi noslēpumi. Kad Raimonds (Kristofers Konovalovs) mēģina paslēpt savas problēmas skolā no mammas (Vita Vārpiņa), viņš iepinās vēl lielākās problēmās.
Vērtējums 9 no 10

Monday, March 11, 2013

Dzimis divreiz/ Twice Born (2012)

1984 gads, Sarajeva. Džemma (Penelope Cruz) iepazīstas ar savu mūža mīlu Djego (Emile Hirsh). Džemma nevar kļūt par māti un abi ar Djego atgriežas Sarajevā kara gados, lai izmantotu suragātmāti. Tomēr karš sagriež viņu dzīves virpulī.
Pārliecinošs Penelopes Krusas darbs un lieliska saspēle ar Emīlu Hiršu.
Filma, kas vēlreiz atgādina, ka karš ir neglīts un nekas to neattaisno.
Vērtējums 7 no 10

Monday, March 4, 2013

Stambling Into Grace: Confessions of a Sometimes Spirutally Clumsy Woman

By Lisa Harper
Published by Thomas Nelson

Stumbling Into Grace: Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy WomanThe goal of this book to help readers to learn to trust more our Redeemer is wonderful but poorly executed.
The book is divided in three parts each trying to deal with life, gifts and growth. Each part consists of few chapters which all have the same pattern- thoughts on a topic, biblical passage, explanation and application, questions. There are several  problems. The topics of chapters do not build on each other. It seems they have been picked randomly. The beginning of each chapter with "So, today I've been thinking about..." emphasizes it even more. The biblical passage most of the time is vaguely connected with a topic of  a chapter. Then the explanation of the Bible passage is modernized and so digested that there almost nothing left to think about. At times attempt to put the Bible text into modern language even harms the original. The questions are repetitive and after while do not raise any interest in the read material. At the end the chapter does not give any new insight into the discussed topic.
I also found annoying writer's constant concern with her weight. If at first it made her like one of us then at the end one more mention of the weight made me sigh, "Again..."  
If you like to think for yourself then I suggest not to look in the direction of this book. This one is for lazy people who sit back and wait that someone else will chew the Bible for them.
I would give a star to this book.

I received this book from Thomas Nelson’s Booksneeze program but I am under no obligation to provide a positive review.