Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve (2011)

Director of Valentine's Day Garry Marshall has made one more movie in the same pattern. Many stories with many participants on new year's eve in New York. The movie is very predictable which makes it so comfortable and cozy to watch. You already know how will it end and there is no need to involve your little grey cells. Besides, movies has a parade of stars. Where else you gonna see together (except maybe Oscars) Sara Jessica-Parker, Michelle Pfeiffer, Zac Efron, Ashton Kutcher, Robert De Niro, Halle Berry, Jon Bon Jovi etc. My favorite couple was Pfeiffer and Efron.

Rating 6 of 10

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Artist (2011)

A silent black and white movie made in the spirit of the early cinema. The story happens on a verge of sound in movies. George Valentin (Jean Dejurdin), a well-known silent actor, has a hard time to accept that sound is the future of the cinema. Meanwhile, Peppy Miller (Berenice Bejo), a young actress flies into stardom thanks to talking movies. In the beginning of the movie their tracks of both actors cross and it helps Peppy to become recognized and at the end, because of Peppy, George returns to cinema.
"The Artist" is well-done, well-told and in a good style of silent movies.
Rating 8 of 10.